03/10/2025 / By News Editors
Growing up in America through the 1980s and 1990s there was a general sense of “live and let live” among Gen X and Gen Y that truly defined the era and our notions of what a society should look like. We all knew gay people were a permanent fixture in society. For the most part nobody bothered them and they kept their gayness to themselves (and far away from children). Frankly, it was working just fine.
(Article republished from Alt-Market.us)
There were some protests and marches, but the only “individual right” straight people had that they didn’t was the right to legal marriage. Most people figured that once that changed there wouldn’t be anything left to protest. What we didn’t understand at the time was that the seemingly harmless rise of “Gay Pride” in the 90s and early 2000s would become a primer for the woke madness that spread like wildfire from 2014 onward.
As we now know, a lot of that insanity was rooted in programs funded through the US government. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that the government is a tool, not the hand holding the tool. Elitist interests through NGO’s and think tanks like the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation were the real impetus for the creation of the woke movement. They spent decades building the revolving door dynamic that cycled taxpayer cash through agencies like USAID and into the pockets of NGOs.
In other words, it’s a mistake to think of the federal government as the mastermind. Rather, the government and the politicians within it are paid (or blackmailed) by wealthy globalists to support legislation that funds and empowers globalist projects.
The international spread of “queer activism” or “pride activism” has been a goal of the elites since the days of the Kinsey Institute, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and became the source for the invasion of LGBT ideology into modern academia starting in 1947. The Rockefeller Foundation still brags to this day about funding the rise of the “sexual revolution” and the notion of “non-binary sexuality”.
The transgender movement is largely tied to the intellectually dishonest and disturbed studies of John Money conducted in the 1950-1960s. His experiments were bankrolled through the Johns Hopkins School, which was founded and largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Once these ideologies, posing as social science, infected the halls of higher academia, students were turned into adherents of the cult. They then spread like a plague into politics and federal bureaucracy. They would go on to grow the unaccountable bureaucratic system that now cycles taxpayer cash from federal agencies into the coffers of NGOs. The great scam was set in motion – Using American money to fund the demise of western civilization.
A large part of this agenda relies on the mafia-like enforcement of LGBT normalization in every facet of society, even in public schools where teachers now hang pride flags and expose children to gender fluid theories with no basis in scientific fact.
On the international front, a little known agency called “USAID” was launched in 1961 for the purposes of providing material support to foreign populations in dire need (and to combat the threat of communism). However, from the 1990s onward the organization was increasingly involved in leftist propaganda with a specific interest in DEI. The apparatus that was built to stop communism was retooled to promote communism.
Fast forward to the 2020s and what we have today is a hostile takeover, a government and NGO funded color revolution that desires to annihilate western values, Christian morals and the general American regard for freedom of speech and freedom of thought. The woke movement is not just Cultural Marxism (that’s part of it), it’s a massively well-funded ideological machine. A new religion, of sorts, that seeks to wipe out the fundamental principles that hold our society together.
For the western world the pendulum swings from left to right, but noticeably more and more to the left and less and less to the right over time. Some call this the “Overton Window”. In other words, conservative or traditionalist ideas and values that were acceptable 20 years ago are slowly and incrementally suffocated by artificial social and legal pressures until they’re no longer present in the next generation.
The woke ideas and values the establishment WANTS the public to adopt are promoted widely, but this requires extensive monetary backing. Social engineering campaigns are expensive and take many years to achieve results.
With the revelations surrounding USAID (and at least a dozen other institutions), it appears that the agency was a key driver behind the rapid spread of DEI into every corner of our nation, not to mention many other nations. Their LGBT operations are particularly interesting and I would assert that it was USAID that specifically injected woke cultism into the public school system.
They were the organization that encouraged school officials and teachers to indoctrinate children with woke ethics and transgender politics, and they also actively encouraged teachers to hide these activities from parents.
One document that outlines the basic agenda is USAID’s ‘Integrating LGBTQI+ Considerations Into Education Programming’. The PDF was drafted and provided to field employees and workers in their Inclusive Development Hub and Center for Education. It explains how to inject DEI and LGBT propaganda into various public education institutions, using teachers and school officials as “advocates”.
Researching back through some of USAID’s activities from 2014 onward there was a clear spike in funding surrounding LGBT programs for teachers and administrators. Because of the recent shutdown and audits you have to use the Wayback Machine website to view a lot of this stuff, but it’s still there.
The document states:
“The purpose of this document is to support USAID’s staff working in the education sector to integrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+1) considerations into programming and across the Program Cycle…”
USAID’s mission statement uses the same justification as most DEI promoters: They claim that educational environments around the world are “not safe” for LGBT students and teachers. Their solution? To use overwhelming funding power to incentivize (bribe) governments and educational institutions to inject gay propaganda into the curriculum.
That is to say, they sought to evangelize education organizations with the woke belief system in the name of “saving lives”. USAID head Samantha Power directly links the wokification of culture to the “fight for democracy”, creating a progressive crusade. Meaning, the elites frame LGBT indoctrination as an existential imperative to save the planet (skip to 24:40 in video).
It reminds me a bit of the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”; aliens slowly and strategically taking over the world by hijacking each person and absorbing them into the collective. You might think it’s paranoid exaggeration to claim that USAID wanted to turn everyone gay, but you would be wrong. Consider for a moment the prevailing argument in favor of gays in the 1990s:
“They were born that way and they can’t change it, just like a person can’t change their ethnicity. So leave them alone…”
What’s the prevailing argument now? (The same argument presented within USAID’s own documentation.)
“Gender and sexuality are completely fluid and any person, including children ages 3-5, can change their preferences at any moment for any reason. Straight people only exist because they are forced to be that way through social constructs…”
In other words, the gay movement now agrees with its old Christian adversaries – Gayness is a personal lifestyle choice, not a permanent condition you are born with. When the movement for gay rights morphed into the “Pride Movement”, the goal was no longer equal rights but the erasure of biological and objective reality.
As USAID notes:
“The development and realization of one’s sexual orientation and gender identity is a process, rather than a singular event. This implies that self-identification of sexual orientation and gender identity may change over time and may not be congruent, and young people may need varying levels of support, space, and attention during this process…”
USAID has maintained a laser focus on schools, education and children. They admit that they targeted 120 school principles in Kosovo for “LBGT inclusion training”. They “sensitized” educators in Honduras on LGBT inclusion. They developed university programs in Jamaica on LGBT discrimination, etc.
In the UK, a group called Stonewall is warning it might have to shut down after losing funding funneled through USAID. Stonewall is notorious for targeting children with trans propaganda in schools and funding pride propaganda across the UK and in other countries.
Not only did USAID (along with other agencies and NGOs) invade schools with LGBT cultism, polling indicates they’ve been rather successful. Various public surveys show that Gen Z, the most targeted generation, identifies as LGBT at a rate of 7% to 28% depending on which poll you look at. A generational increase from 2% to 28% is scientifically impossible. It can only be accomplished through social engineering.
It’s not that these kids are actually gay. It’s not that it’s now more acceptable to be open about it (polls were always anonymous anyway). It’s not even that being gay is considered trendy for Gen Z. Rather, they have been brainwashed to believe that being straight is a form of social oppression.
They have been taught through USAID and NGO funded programming to accept gender relativism as socially conscious and morally superior. They will never be gender fluid or feel attraction to the same sex, but they want to be on the right side of history. So, they identify as LGBT to feel like they are good people. Identifying gay is not about sexual preference, it’s a virtue signal.
One can theorize about the deeper motives behind USAID’s efforts – There’s the theory that the pride movement is designed to reduce population growth for the sake of reaching “net zero” carbon goals (gays usually don’t have children and trans kids are often sterilized by hormone therapy).
Then there’s the theory that pride is a precursor to the normalization of child grooming and the legalization of pedophiles as a “marginalized group” (the globalist Epstein Island crowd would love that). It’s a big reason why a lot of gay people oppose the trans agenda – They don’t want to be associated with the obvious groomer undertones of transgender activism.
And let’s not forget about the connection between LGBT indoctrination and progressive political organizations looking to create a permanent voting block. Leftist political parties use social pressure to trap “marginalized groups” in voter plantations. You’re not allowed to be gay and vote against the Democrats, for example. If you do, you’re considered a traitor and a heretic.
I think the evidence supports all of these to some degree. My personal theory is that “Pride” and the woke movement in general are the precursors to a new secularist religion of self worship and the worship of government. A globalist theology in which the greatest virtue is to deny objective reality and embrace relativism in everything from biological sex to moral compass.
Was there EVER a real “Pride Movement”? Was it all just establishment financed astroturf from the very beginning? It sure looks that way.
As DOGE cuts continue to run their course and many of these agencies and NGOs are eventually defunded, I predict we will see a rapid decline in younger people identifying as LGBT. I also predict that most of the pride parade activity seen every June will fade and that trans activism will mostly vanish outside of a handful of crazies. The Pride movement was never grassroots. It was a fabrication; an illusion conjured into existence through the sheer power of government cash and NGO manipulation.
Read more at: Alt-Market.us
Tagged Under:
conspiracy, corruption, current events, deception, deep state, gay mafia, gender confused, gender issues, government, identity politics, left cult, political correctness, politics, wokies, Xpost
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